June is the most difficult month of the year. Why is it so difficult?
One, there is no Arsenal or Premier League football to watch, and two, the transfer window has just opened, so there is very little to be excited about other than the day in and day out dribble of the rumor mill.
Oh my, June is so very difficult to handle.
So, I think I have a solution. What if the Premier League could put together enough retired players to form a league and play matches in June?
I think four teams would be enough, representing regions of England instead of cities. How fun would it be to watch former Premier League legends play once again in a competition that ended with one team winning the Premier Legends League Cup.
These games would help to fill the gap between watching our national team’s international matches, plus it would offer a chance to see some of our former Premier League heroes back on the pitch.
Matches could be shortened to 60 minutes, with managers having the ability to take players out of the match, let them rest, and then put them back in. Tackling would be discouraged, but not ruled out, and a tie would be decided by a penalty shootout.
The Premier League would own and operate the league, with former league managers leading the four clubs.
I believe the international television networks would jump on this idea, and sponsors would love it too.
Anyway, just a thought on how to give us some Premier League football in the month of June, and help ease the boredom until the preseason kicks-off in July.