Smoke and mirrors…another Arsenal transfer window?

Since the beginning of this summer’s transfer window I have felt like an expectant father waiting for the wife to give birth. Okay, maybe that’s a bad metaphor, however, the question remains…when is Arsenal going to deliver our first summer signing?

Every morning I scour the websites, the papers, the blogs and another source of Arsenal information I can get my hands on to see if, who and when the first signing will take place.

Why does this transfer window feel so many of those from the past few years? We are teased, then disappointed, and then teased again. We read and hear countless rumors and reports that say, “Arsenal is linked to such and such.” My goal this transfer window was to keep a running tab on the number of players Arsenal was being linked to in this transfer window. Please forgive me, but I lost count.

Other clubs around Europe, and especially in the Premier League, are making announcements, finalizing deals and showing off their new players. For Gooner Nation, what we have gotten so far is a lot of smoke and mirrors.

I’m ready to hand out the cigars, but first we need something to celebrate.


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