As I mentioned in an earlier post, Shkodran Mustafi has to be Arsenal’s Comeback Player of the Year.
Here’s a guy who was so prone to making costly mistakes supporters would actually curse his name when he ran onto the pitch. He was ridiculed, vilified and belittled to a point he wanted out of his contract, and out of London.
This was all before Mikel Arteta took control of the squad around Christmas. Slowly, but surely we have seen the emergence of a new and improved #20, and Tuesday’s game v Leicester City showed just exactly how far he has come in the past 6 months. If you’ve seen the post-match photo of his face, you will see the scars of his battle v Jamie Vardy. Mustafi gave everything, and more, to help the Gunners chase a win. I felt bad for the lads after the draw on Tuesday, however, I felt really bad for Mustafi who left everything he had that day on the pitch.
I’m not sure what Arteta has done to provide this Mustafi resurgence, but whatever it was, the World Cup winner has found new confidence somewhere.
So, as one of his biggest critics, I’m now a supporter of Shkrodan Mustafi. Until he proves me wrong and drifts back to his old ways, I hope Mikel Arteta keeps him around for another season.
In my mind, that’s a real comeback!
Cheers, and stay healthy and safe!